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Special Projects and Initiatives

Choices for Regulations 2019 Project

The Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living (DAIL) is updating it's 2009 Choices for Care Regulations. The goal is to modernize the rules within the Medicaid Health Care Administrative Rules (HCAR) in a cleaner format. DAIL is also proposing to update the Moderate Needs Program wait list policy from chronological to a priority system (similar to the curent High Needs wait list process), as long as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) says it is okay to do so without an amendment to Vermont's Global Committment waiver.

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

The Vermont Department of Health Access (DVHA) is implementing Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) for in home services funded by Vermont Medicaid in response to federal requirements set forth in the 21st Century Cures Act (Cures Act).

What is Electronic Visit Verification?

EVV is a telephone and computer-based system that records specific information about the services provided. In accordance with the Cures Act, the Vermont Medicaid EVV system will:

•    Identify the individual receiving the service
•    record the date of the service
•    the time the service started and ended
•    the person who provides the service
•    the location of the service
•    type of service

Falls Prevention Initiative

Did you know that falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries among older adults and that Vermont was ranked 49th in the nation with regards to the % of adults 65 and older who had reported falling in the last 12 months? (America’s Health Rankings Senior Report)

The Falls Free Vermont Coalition, together with the Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living, Vermont Area Agencies on Aging, University of Vermont Center on Aging, Vermont Emergency Medical Services and healthcare systems providers, encourages the use of free falls risk screenings and falls prevention programs offered in communities around the state.

Federal HCBS Regulations Assessment and Implementation Project

On January 10, 2014, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued final regulations regarding home- and community-based settings (HCBS). The rule supports enhanced quality in HCBS programs, outlines person-centered planning practices, and reflects CMS’s intent to ensure that individuals receiving Medicaid funded services have full access to the benefits of community living and are able to receive services in the most integrated setting.

Governor's Commission On Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders (ADRD)

The Vermont Legislature established the Governor’s Commission on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders in 1991. Since its inception, the Commission has provided leadership on a number of public policy matters specific to the needs and concerns of people affected by Alzheimer’s Disease or a related dementia (ADRD).

Money Follows the Person Grant Project

In 2011, DAIL was awarded a five year $17.9 million “Money Follows the Person” (MFP) grant from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to help people living in nursing facilities overcome barriers to moving to their preferred community-based setting.

Reframing Aging in Vermont

Most people, without even thinking of it, use common language to describe aging as a negative experience. Unfortunately, this language contributes to "ageism" in our culture, which is a stereotyping or discrimination of a person or group of people because of their age. This is a serious challenge in our culture and communities, manifesting in the unconscious thoughts we have, the actions we take, and in the social policies and systems we create.

Substance Abuse Treatment Coordination Initiative

January 2015, the Agency of Human Services initiated a coordinated approach to serving Vermonters with substance abuse problems across all departments. AHS recognizes the substantial burden that substance abuse has on individuals seeking AHS services, particularly those who need multiple services and therefore enter the AHS system through different doors. If we can intervene early and better serve Vermonters dealing with substance abuse issues, then other outcomes will improve.

TBI State Partnership Grant

In June 2018, Vermont was chosen by the federal Administration for Community Living (ACL) as one of 24 recipients of a three-year cooperative agreement under two new funding opportunities for ACL’s Brain Injury (TBI) State Partnership Program. The goal of this grant opportunity is to create and strengthen a system of services and supports that maximizes the independence, well-being, and health of people with brain injuries across the lifespan, their family members, and their support networks. Vermont will receive approximately $150,000 per year for three years (2018-2022). The Adult Services Division will manage the grant in partnership with the Brain Injury Association of Vermont (BIAVT) and the Vermont Department of Corrections (DOC).