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Older Americans

Area Agency on Aging (AAA) Older American's Act (OAA) Services

Older Americans Act (OAA) services support Vermonters age 60 and older and are designed to help older Vermonters remain as independent as possible and to experience a high quality of life. OAA services are provided through Vermont’s five Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) and include case management; nutrition services and programs; health promotion and disease prevention; information, referral and assistance; legal assistance; and family caregiver support.

Substance Abuse Treatment Coordination Initiative

January 2015, the Agency of Human Services initiated a coordinated approach to serving Vermonters with substance abuse problems across all departments. AHS recognizes the substantial burden that substance abuse has on individuals seeking AHS services, particularly those who need multiple services and therefore enter the AHS system through different doors. If we can intervene early and better serve Vermonters dealing with substance abuse issues, then other outcomes will improve.

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