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Brain Injury in Vermont - State Needs Assessment & Resources Assessment Survey

The Brain Injury Association of Vermont (BISAVT) is seeking your input. Please join us in the effort to assess Vermont’s traumatic brain injury (TBI) services and unmet needs by completing the Statewide Needs and Resources Assessment Survey. The last survey was conducted in 2010 and was used to create the State TBI Action Plan, instrumental in shaping our current service structure. By filling out the new survey, your input will help shape the development of TBI services in Vermont over the next five years.

There are 3 surveys - please choose the one that best aligns with your experience:

If you need assistance filling out the form please call the BIAVT at 1-877-856-1772.
If you have general questions or would like to use a paper version of the survey, please contact Jess Leal at 1-877-856-1772.

The following organizations have collaborated in the development of this survey and would like to thank you for your participation:

Vermont State Brain Injury (TBI) Program
Vermont TBI Advisory Board
Disability Rights Vermont
Brain Injury Association of Vermont (BIA-VT)